Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Well-Needed Break

I'm back! I had a very enjoyable weekend and got a chance to decompress. It was well-deserved and well-needed, trust me.

My brother-in-law and his family made an impromptu weekend visit and it was a lot of fun. The baby has gotten so big and he was full of smiles.

Of course, that meant PICTURES! I've been in a rut with my photography lately...Lawyer has been a less-than-willing subject and you can only take so many backyard plant pictures. This baby made my photography cup runneth over! Here are a few of my favorites:

Daniel - 6 months

Daniel - 6 months

Daniel - 6 months

Daniel - 6 months

Daniel - 6 months

Daniel - 6 months

Daniel - 6 months

Can I just say that the "W" picture rocks my world? Ah! And here were two of my favorite Lawyer/baby pictures...that boy LOVES his cousin and it's funny since it's in a very brotherly way too:

Lawyer & Daniel

Lawyer & Daniel

Yeah for getting out of the doldrums!!

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