Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pool Fun

Ah, summer. My favorite time of the year. There's something that awakens in me every time I feel the warmth on my skin. I feel alive and healthy when I step out into the hot Texas sun. Not very many people I know share this same sentiment but luckily I have a son and husband that can't wait to be outside each and every summer day.

We also are very blessed to have a pool right in our own backyard, complete with palm trees, an outside fridge stocked with our adult beverage of choice, and a ridiculously fabulous 10' square bright red umbrella. I love my backyard. I literally wake up every single morning and thank God for my family, what I have, and where I live. Especially when I open my curtains and blinds to let the outside in.

Lawyer is my summer baby. He loves being outside, he loves the water and, when we go to the beach, he loves the sand and ocean. He's also fearless when it comes to swimming. He's 3 and thinks nothing of jumping off the diving board without the use of kiddie floats. He's a super great swimmer. Praise the Lord because I don't know what I would do if I had a child that was scared of the water.

Granny just got him some new goggles for the pool and he thinks they're grand. He's almost Willy Wonka-like when he has them on (Johnny Depp Willy Wonka, not Gene Wilder Willy Wonka which is still my favorite). Check out the fun that goes down on a summer day in our slice of paradise.
We hope your summer is as grand as ours has already gotten to be. Lots of memories have already been made around here and it's only the beginning of summer!!


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord we are all indeed summer babies! I love the Texas heat also and feel so blessed that we are just steps down the street from one another! Not many Granny's can say that these days! Thanks for being such a great mom and my best friend! AHHHhhhh the summer breeze does make me feel fine! Granny

Alicia said...

The up-close goggles shot is really cool.