Thursday, May 22, 2008

Stop the Whining...

Check out this article in regards to gas prices today. Somebody please explain to me why everyone feels like they should get something for nothing...if you use it shouldn't you have to pay for it? This goes for gas prices...why would you expect that you should pay the same amount per gallon today that you did 20 years ago? Did your pay increase over the last 20 years or is it too the same as 20 years ago? This article covers a lot of areas and I like it. If you don't want to pay for gas then you have options: ride a bike, walk (I'm sure the obesity rate would really decline then!), hitchhike or ride a horse.

I'm off the soap box but nothing aggravates me more than people complaining about things like this!

PS: This type of "rambling" won't become a regular thing on my blog...I like happy things but this subject interests/aggravates me, especially since once-upon-a-time I did study to be an economist! More happy things are to come really soon!


Anonymous said...

I love sunsets!

Anonymous said...

I love sunsets!